
PPBstats is an R package that performs analysis found within PPB programmes regarding network of seeds circulation, agronomic trials, organoleptic tests and molecular experiments.

PPBstats is now at version 0.25.

Be aware that this package is under development and test: do not 100% trust the functions!!! You’re welcome to contribute: see here for more informations.

Wheat trials on farm within our participatory plant breeding programme, summer 2012, Auvergne, France. CC-BY-NC-SA. Pierre Rivière. [@JSG_2012_1]

Figure 0.1: Wheat trials on farm within our participatory plant breeding programme, summer 2012, Auvergne, France. CC-BY-NC-SA. Pierre Rivière. (Rivière 2012b)


Rivière, P. 2012b. “Mesures Des Blés Chez Jean-Sébastien Gascuel En 2012.”