format_data_PPBstats.data_agro_SR checks and formats the data to be used by PPBstats functions for agro SR to study response to selection




The data frame to format. It should have at least the following columns : c("year", "germplasm", "location", "block", "X", "Y", "expe_id", "group", "version", "..."), with "..." the variables. The variables can be linked to their corresponding dates. The dates are associated to their corresponding variable by $. For example the date associated to variable y1 is y1$date. The date must have format year-month-day, e.g. 2017-12-05


  • expe_id: an id with

    • S couple and R couple (i.e. four rows) OR

    • S couple (i.e. two rows) OR

    • R couple (i.e. two rows)

  • group: S or R

  • version: bouquet or vrac

expe_id is useful for example if there are several selection in one germplasm or if there are several origin for a given germplasm

More details explaining these two particular cases can be found in the book here.

See also