is a R package that queries the database SHiNeMaS (Seeds History and Network Management System) and format data for specific R packages.
library(devtools) devtools::install_github("priviere/shinemas2R")
has one function shinemas()
which queries SHiNeMaS and formats data for specific R packages. The query is based on a webservice developped within SHiNeMaS v2 by Laetitia Courgey and Yannick de Oliveira from ABI-Soft team at GQE-Le Moulon. The following information are needed to connect to the database: db_url, user, password and token. The token can be taken through the web interface of SHiNeMaS by cliking “Get Token” on the top left side of the page.
PPBstats is a R package for Participatory Plant Breeding statisticial analyses.
Four queries are supported:
, for network analysis on unipart network for seed lots analysis, unipart network for location analysis and bipart network analysis.PPBstats_data_agro
, for agronomic analysis
, for response to selection analysis
, for local adaptation analysis
For example, first get the formated data set
library(shinemas2R) data_agro = shinemas2R::shinemas( db_url = "shinemas.local.seed", user = "wheat", password = "ppb", token = "1234", query = "PPBstats_data_agro" )
and then transform if for PPBstats
library(PPBstats) data = PPBstats::format_data_PPBstats(data_agro, type = "data_agro")