If you want to interact with us, please file an issue or send me an email :

shinemas2R is based on the webservice API developped in SHiNeMaS.

In order to implement new queries you need:

  1. to update the API in SHiNeMaS code so that shinemas2R can call it
  2. to update the code of the function shinemas

Update the API in SHiNeMaS code

If you want to contribute to SHiNeMaS API or core code source please contact ABI-Soft team.

Update the code of the function shinemas

  • Create an issue to describe what you’d like to do
  • Fork the git repository
  • Update the function shinemas in your fork:
    • add a query_type
      • in the documentation in the top of the function
      • in the code by adding
      if( query_type == "your-package_your-query-name"){
        data = get_data_from_shinemas(db_url, user, password, token, query = "your-package_your-query-name")
        vec_fac = c("") # to complete
        for(v in vec_fac){ data[v] = as.factor(as.character(v)) }
        vec_num = c("") # to complete
        for(v in vec_num){ data[v] = as.numeric(as.character(v)) }
      Note that query_type is under the format [package-name]_[query-name]. For example PPBstats_data_agro stands for data_agro format for package PPBstats.
    • update match.arg in the begenning of the code with "your-package_your-query-name"
    • add @param if there are filters if needed
    • update @details in the begenning of the function if needed
  • Update ‘package supported’ section in README.md
  • Send a Pull Request with a reference to the original issue