plot.check_model_bh_GxE returns ggplot to visualize outputs from check_model.fit_model_bh_intra_location

# S3 method for check_model_bh_intra_location
  nb_parameters_per_plot = 8, ...)



Output from check_model.fit_model_bh_intra_location


number of parameter per plot to display


further arguments passed to or from other methods


  • sigma_j_gamma : mean of each sigma_j displayed on the inverse Gamma distribution. The first graph represent all the sigma_j, the other graph represent nb_parameters_per_plot sigma_j per graph.

  • mu_ij : distribution of each mu_ij in a list with as many elements as environment. For each element of the list, there are as many graph as needed with nb_parameters_per_plot mu_ij per graph.

  • beta_jk : distribution of each beta_jk in a list with as many elements as environment. For each element of the list, there are as many graph as needed with nb_parameters_per_plot beta_jk per graph.

  • sigma_j : distribution of each sigma_j. There are as many graph as needed with nb_parameters_per_plot sigma_j per graph.

  • epsilon_ijk : standardised residuals distribution. If the model went well it should be between -2 and 2.

  • mcmc_not_converge_traceplot_density : a list with the plots of trace and density to check the convergence of the two MCMC only for chains that are not converging thanks to the Gelman-Rubin test. If all the chains converge, it is NULL.


S3 method.

See example in the book:

For mcmc_not_converge_traceplot_density : If you wish exhaustive information, look at ggmcmc::ggmcmc with ggmcmc(out_model$MCMC). But be careful with the size of your MCMC output which are often too big to be performed in R.

See also