mean_comparisons performs mean comparisons from object coming from check_model.fit_model_bh_intra_location

# S3 method for check_model_bh_intra_location
mean_comparisons(x, parameter,
  alpha = 0.05, type = 1, = 2,
  precision = 5e-04, threshold = 1, p.adj = "soft.bonf", ...)



outputs from check_model.fit_model_bh_intra_location


parameter on which the mean comparison is done. The possible values are "mu" and "beta"


level of type one error. 0.05 (5%) by default


type of comparisons

  • type = 1 for comparison two by two

  • type = 2 for comparison to a specific threshold

For type = 1. If there are only one group with alpha, the minimum number of groups wanted with a higher type one error (i.e. lower confidence). If NULL, nothing is done.


For type = 1. The precision of the alpha with the correspondong groups from The smaller the better, but the smaller the more time consuming due to computing matters


For type = 2. The threshold to which a parameter is different


For all except type = 2. NULL for no adjustement of the type one error. p.adj can be "soft.bonf".

p.adj = "soft.bonf" for a soft bonferonni correction to take into account multiple comparisons (alpha / nb of parameters).. The comparisons is based on the probability of having a common distribution for each pair of parameter. When there is only one group with the value of alpha, the function (via argument) returns at least X groups with a new value of alpha.


further arguments passed to or from other methods#'


A list of three elements :

  • data_mean_comparisons a list with as many elements as environment. Each element of the list is composed of two elements:

    • mean.comparisons: a dataframe with the following columns : parameter, median, groups, number of groups, alpha (type one error), alpha.correction (correction used), entry, environment, location and year.

    • Mpvalue : a square matrix with pvalue computed for each pair of parameter.

  • data_env_with_no_controls a list with as many elements as environment. In each list it is mean.comparisons : a dataframe with the following columns : parameter, median, groups, number of groups, alpha (type one error), alpha.correction (correction used), entry, environment, location and year.

  • data_env_whose_param_did_not_converge a list with as many elements as environment. In each list it is mean.comparisons : a dataframe with the following columns : entry, germplasm, environment, block, X, Y, ID, median, parameter.


S3 method. For more details, see in the book :

See also